Selectmen’s Meeting April 21,2020

Present: Steve St. Jean, Jed Whiting, Jeff Lecander, Brandy Farnsworth, and Amanda Brochu
Attending: Tina O’Donnell, Kathy Fearon, Jim Brochu, Lori LeMont, Kirk Williams, Bob White, Millie Howard, and Andy Brann
Agenda #1 Meeting opened with Jed motioning to accept minutes from the April 7th meeting as written and Steve seconding it. All were in favor.
Agenda #2 Transfer Station- Jeff Jorgenson has expressed that he is almost out of PPE. The transfer station is an essential service and at times he has to interact with people. The fire department has an order of PPE coming and will share. It was discussed that something should be put on Facebook and the town website reminding people to social distance, use safe practices, and not loiter. Also, that we should encourage people to make less trips.
Agenda # 3 Tax Commitment- The budget this year is $160,000 above last year. Steve suggested taking $100,000 from surplus to buy this down. It was mentioned that the school budget might be higher this year and so the question was asked that if this is not enough can we revisit this. Kathy said yes we can as many times as we need. Steve made a motion to move the $100,000 from surplus and Jeff seconded it. All were in favor.
Agenda # 4 Family Fun Days- Amanda stated that they would be moving Family Fun Days to the 1st weekend in August to coincide with alumni weekend. The fireworks will also be moved.
Agenda #5 Tina O’Donnell’s 3 month review- It was decided to put this off until they can meet in person and that any raise would be retroactive.
Agenda #6 Youth Program- Millie Howard asked if she should continue to plan for the summer rec program. It was decided that she would continue to plan, but keep activities more local and outside as much as possible. Millie also asked if the kayaks and canoes could be moved to Cathedral pines in the next week as where they are now stored, the person has requested they be moved. The board is meeting on Thursday and if they can’t be, it was mentioned that the house at the water department is empty.
Agenda #6 Blanchard Park- Jeff wondered about the park concerning social distancing guidelines and the fact that we cannot have someone there disinfecting after use. It was decided to close the park and that signs would be posted.
Jed made a motion that the meeting be adjourned. Steve seconded it. All were in favor and the meeting was adjourned.