June 1, 2021

Town of Eustis

Selectmen’s Meeting

June 1, 2021

Present: Amanda Brochu, Brandi Farnsworth, Jeff Lecander, Jed Whiting, Steve St. Jean

Attending: Rachel Williams, Peter Farnsworth, Edie Dunlap, Carol Sherrier, Tina O’Donnell

Steve opened the meeting @ 6pm and welcomed those in attendance.

Brandi made a motion to accept the minutes from the selectmen’s meeting on May 18, 2021, Jed 2nd Amanda, Brandi, Jeff, Jed, & Steve in favor.

Edie Dunlap came in for an update on the ATV club and what trail s have now been closed to the ATV’s. She also spoke about the grants they have received, and all the trail work they have done.

The school has requested a new sign for the boat launch. The sign will read: Parking allowed when school is not in session. Violators will be towed at owner’s expense. Peter will contact CMP about using part of the land the own for additional parking. If not, there will be discussion about moving forward to appraise the property located at 53 School street to determine the cost of purchasing for purposes of parking and town use.

All little league concerns or complaints should be directed to the Commissioner of Cal Ripken Brian Demshaw. All money concerns should be directed to the Selectmen.

Sue Fotter will no longer be putting up and taking down the American flags that run from Stratton to Eustis. The Town will take over the job. We can ask CMP if the can help assist with flag/banner placement. If not rent a man lift to complete the job.

Tina is still working on getting internet to the Community Building from Spectrum as a Municipal Building. If we are unable to do so, we will speak with Neil from the Lions club about sharing the cost of the internet.

Our Attorney went over the Personnel Policy and advised us to make a correction to the Sick leave portion. Employees shall receive 5 days of sick leave per year.  The amount of time will be based on the average hours worked per week per employee. Any unused sick leave will not carry over to the next calendar year.

Franklin Community Health Network will have a mobile Vaccine Clinic in the Community Building parking lot the day of Family Fun days June 26, 2021

Sprague is looking into purchasing a 2006 Rosenbauer Spartan 4×4 rescue Pumper. The asking price is 112,500, we should receive 30% TIF, and possibly have a buyer for our Wilson Fire engine. Steve would like more finalized numbers to have to go to a vote.

All Town and Water Department Warrants were signed.

Jed made motion to adjourn the meeting, Steve 2nd Amanda, Brandi, Jeff, Jed, & Steve in Favor.